In order to get all of the achievements you'll need to do two play-throughs. For this guide I went through the first one staying true to Arstotzka, and then for the second one I helped EZIC overthrow them.
For this one you'll need to be on day 5. An Antegrian man will come through and tell you that his wife is next in line. He'll ask you to allow her to come through. Once she comes up you'll see that she does not have the proper paperwork. Point out the discrepancy and then let her through and she'll give you the Antegria Token.
For this one you'll need to be on day 12. An Arstotzkan man named Messof will come through and give you four business cards. He wants you to give these business cards to any Engineers that come through. You'll need to hand out all 4 of the cards before he returns on day 16. Once he comes back he'll give you the Arstotzka Token.
For this one you'll need to be on day 21. A man named Danic Lorun will come through and ask you to allow him through even though he does not have all the paperwork needed. He'll give you his watch as collateral and say that he'll return in a few days. Keep the watch and DO NOT sell it. On day 23 he'll return and ask for the watch. Give it back to him, he'll give you bribe money, ask for it back, and then he'll feel bad. He then will give you back the bribe money as well as the Republia Token.
For this one you'll need to be on day 29. A man will give you a picture of his daughter and ask you to confiscate Simon Wen's passport, but allow him through. Then on day 30 Simon Wens will come through. Confiscate his passport and then allow him to go through. Later in the day the original man will come back through and ask for the passport as well as the picture of his daughter. Give him both of those and allow him through. He will then give you the United Federation Token.
For this one you'll need to be on day 12. An M.O.I. investigator will come to the booth and ask if you have received anything from EZIC. coincidentally you did the previous day. Turn in one of the documents they gave you and you'll be arrested. That will then activate the achievement and you can reload that day.
For this one you'll need to get to day 31 while staying true to your Arstotzkan government. The requirements are basically that you must not do any of EZICs tasks during the play-through and burn any gift money that they give you. Then on day 31 shoot both of the EZIC attackers with the gun from the golden key and do not escape to Obristan. You'll then be audited and they'll see that you were patriotic. You'll be permitted to go back to work and you'll get the achievement.
For this one you'll need to escape to Obristan with all surviving family members. Once you get to day 29 Jorji will explain that he knows someone that can essentially smuggle you and your family out of the country. All you need is a passport and $25 per person. He'll give you his passport for you to use for yourself, but you'll need to confiscate other Obristan passports for your family.
The easiest way to get this is to go through the game not upgrading your apartment and not paying for heat. This will cause your family to be sick and need medicine. Only give medicine to ONE of your family members and allow the rest to die. If you successfully make that happen then you'll need to confiscate one additional passport and have 50 gold.
For this one you'll need to help EZIC overthrow the government. You'll need to go through the game completing the EZIC tasks listed below. Then once you get to day 31 and the EZIC attackers come just sit there and watch. After they blow up the wall it will trigger the ending where you get the achievement.
Day 11 - Allow Mikhail Saratov through.
Day 14 - Allow Stepheni Graire through.
Day 17 - Allow Marie Escalli through.
Day 20 - Poison Khaled Istom.
Day 27 - Confiscate Kordon Kallo's passport and then let him through. Then give his passport to the EZIC agent later in the day and let them through.
And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Papers, Please. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.
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