Hogwarts Legacy - All Collectible Achievements

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This guide is going over all of the collectible achievements in the game. There's over a thousand to go through between Floo Flames, Demiguise, Collections Items, etc.

This guide is going over all of the collectible achievements in the game. You can check out the full 100% guide linked below for the rest of the achievements in the game.

The Spell Master

This achievement is for learning all of the spells in the game. The unforgivable curses you get from Sebastian are not required however, so we'll list out the spells below.

Repairo - Unlocked during "Professor Ronen's Assignment"

Incendio - Unlocked during "Professor Hecat's Assignment 1"

Expelliarmus - Unlocked during "Professor Hecat's Assignment 2"

Depulso - Unlocked during "Professor Sharp's Assignment 1"

Diffindo - Unlocked during "Professor Sharp's Assignment 2"

Flipendo - Unlocked during "Professor Garlick's Assignment 2"

Glacius - Unlocked during "Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1"

Arresto Momentum - Unlocked during "Madam Kogawa's Assignment 2"

Descendo - Unlocked during "Madam Kogawa's Assignment 2"

Transformation - Unlocked during "Professor Weasley's Assignment"

Bombarda - Unlocked during "Professor Howin's Assignment"

Basic Cast, Protego, Stupefy, Revelio, and Lumos - Unlocked during the first few main quests as you're starting the game.

Evanesco and Conjuring Spell - Unlocked during "Room of Requirement"

Confringo - Unlocked during "In the Shadow of the Undercroft"

Alohomora - Unlocked during "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament"

Accio - Unlocked during "Charms Class"

Ancient Magic Throw and Ancient Magic - Unlocked during "Welcome to Hogsmeade"

Levioso - Unlocked during "Defence Against the Dark Arts"

Disillusionment and Petrificus Totalus - Unlocked during "Secrets of the Restricted Section"

Wingardium Leviosa - Unlocked during "The Map Chamber"

Beast Petting Brush, Beast Feed, and Nab-Sack - Unlocked during "The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom"

Going Through the Potions

This achievement is for brewing every type of potion. This isn't too hard to do, just go into the room of requirement to brew some potions, see what they need for the recipes, and either buy or grow those plants. If you need to buy any of the recipes, they can be purchased in Hogsmeade at J Pippin's Potions.

Put Down Roots

This achievement is for growing every type of plant. Similarly to the potions you just have to buy blueprints and seeds for each one in Hogsmeade and then grow them in the room of requirement.

Demiguise Dread

This achievement is for finding all 30 of the Demiguise statues hidden across the map. This series of collectibles will be tied to you getting access to the three levels of Alohomora spells to unlock locks.

All Demiguise Locations Guide

I made a guide going over this in detail linked below, plus a video version if you'd rather go through it in a video version.

Floo Around the World

This achievement is for finding all 83 of the floo flames scattered across the map in the game. These will be marked on the map once you get close enough to them, but I also made a guide specifically going over this which you can check out below, or the video version if you'd rather go through it in a video version.

Hogwarts Legacy All Floo Flame Locations

The Nature of the Beast

This achievement is for breeding all 12 of the breedable beasts in the game. There are many requirements to be able to catch and then breed these beasts, so I go over all of this in a specific guide linked below as well as in a video version if you'd rather go through it using a video guide.

Hogwarts Legacy - The Nature of the Beast Achievement Guide

The Good Samaritan

This achievement is for completing all 57 of the side quests in the game. You'll find the list of these below and you can look through and compare it to your completed quest list if you get stuck.

  1. A Demanding Delivery
  2. A Friend in Deed
  3. A Thief in the Night
  4. Absonder Encounter
  5. All's Well That Ends Bell
  6. A Bird in the Hand
  7. 'Beeting' a Curse
  8. Birds of a Feather
  9. Breaking Camp
  10. Brother's Keeper
  11. Cache in the Castle
  12. Carted Away
  13. Crossed Wands: Round 1
  14. Crossed Wands: Round 2
  15. Crossed Wands: Round 3
  16. Cursed Tomb Treasure
  17. 'Dessending' For Sweets
  18. E-vase-ive Manoeuvre
  19. Flight Test
  20. Flying Off the Shelves
  21. Foal of the Dead
  22. Follow the Butterflies
  23. Ghost of Our Love
  24. Gobs of Gobstones
  25. History of Magic Class
  26. Interior Decorating
  27. Kidnapped Cabbage
  28. Like a Moth to a Frame
  29. 'Mer-ky' Depths
  30. Minding Your Own Business (PlayStation Exclusive)
  31. Phoenix Rising
  32. Portrait in a Pickle
  33. Rescuing Rococo
  34. Sacking Selwyn
  35. Solved by the Bell
  36. Spell Combination Practice 1
  37. Spell Combination Practice 2
  38. Spot Removal
  39. Summoner's Court: Match 1
  40. Summoner's Court: Match 2
  41. Summoner's Court: Match 3
  42. Summoner's Court: Match 4
  43. Sweeping the Competition
  44. Take the Biscuit
  45. Tangled Web
  46. The Daedalian Keys
  47. The Hall of Herodiana
  48. The Hippogriff Marks the Spot
  49. The Lost Astrolabe
  50. The Man Behind the Moons
  51. The Plight of the House-elf
  52. The Sky is the Limit
  53. The Tale of Rowland Oakes
  54. The Unique Unicorn
  55. Troll Control
  56. Venomous Revenge
  57. Venomous Valour
  58. Well, Well, Well

Finishing Touches

This achievement is for using ancient magic on every enemy in the game. This you'll want to be doing all throughout the game in order to get it done semi naturally. One thing to note is that you only have to use ancient magic on all of the enemy types, but not the special named ones. So it ends up only being 34 types of enemies you need out of the 69 (nice) in the enemies collection.

Merlin's Beard!

This achievement is for completing all 95 of the merlin trials. This is another good one to do early as it gives you more bag slots to hold gear so you can grind for longer before having to take a trip out to Hogsmeade to sell your extra gear. These will be marked on the map after you get close enough to them, but I made a specific guide going over all of these locations as well as how you can complete the nine types of them linked below, as well as a video version if you'd rather go through it using a video guide.

Hogwarts Legacy - Merlin's Beard Achievement Guide

Collector's Edition

This achievement is for completing all collections. This is the big one. The one that everything else we do for all of these other achievements is helping us work towards. I'll go through how many are in each of the categories below, and could list them all out individually, but it's much easier and more effective to use this Google Sheets check list that SeeWaffleRun made.

Hogwarts Legacy Collection Check List

9 Tools - These are the potions and plants that can be used as tools. These unlock as you find them, or purchase them from vendors.

150 Revelio Pages - For these you'll want to zoom out on the map to look at each region and up in the top right you'll see a count of how many collectables you've gotten from each region including the revelio pages. Then just look up lists for each region for the ones you can't find. If you want me to make some guides specifically going through all of these let me know in the comments on the video or in discord.

69 Enemies - For the most part you'll find all of these naturally, but the ones you don't find naturally will likely be the special named enemies. Go through doing the infamous foes collectables on the map in order make sure you get all of those.

78 Appearances - There are a lot done through challenges and quests and then some that are obtained through just exploring. You only need the non-DLC ones for this so as long as you have the 78 outside of the DLC then you'll be good to go.

13 Beasts - These you'll get from doing the beast breeding quest as well as rescuing the phoenix.

13 Brooms - 4 of these will be related to popping balloon challenges, 5 are from sprintwitches in Hogsmeade, and then 4 are from specific vendors across the map. Leopold Babcocke in Northfield Bog, Arn in Hogwarts Valley, Priya Treadwell in South Sea Bog, and Rohan Prakash in Cragcroftshire.

75 Traits - These can be found from the collection chests in bandit camps marked on the map.

42 Wand Handles - These are found in collection chests marked on the maps.

16 Ingredients - These you'll likely get just from picking up plants and grabbing the loot from dead enemies. You can also purchase them if needed for some reason.

140 Conjurations - This is probably the least favorite for people as it can be a bit tough to figure out unless you find a good guide. The conjurations come from a mix of vendors in Hogsmeade, Quest rewards, challenge rewards, and exploration.

Exploration can be confusing as you'll still be missing some after going through and cleaning up all of the collectibles listed on the maps. Well that's because the butterflies that lead you to chest also reward you with conjuration items. Unfortunately these don't show up on the map until you're pretty much right on top of them, so we'll quickly go over where these are on the map in each area. So come back to this part and pause at each of these locations to see the area where to go to get these.

People also tend to miss the three collection chests hidden in each of your Vivariums in the Room of Requirement for a total of 12 that you'll find from in there.

If you're missing any of these and you've already gotten all of the ones listed on the map counters then it's likely going to be from butterflies, Vivariums, or the more embarrassing one that I had... A challenge reward you forgot to claim.. oof.

If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my YouTube Channel.

I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.

Thanks for reading/watching!